Our mission...

The mission of the Teacher to Teacher Team is to provide access to age-appropriate books for primary school children and to provide assistance to teachers and administrators in methodology and techniques in curriculum.

The Teacher to Teacher Team is sponsored by the Sierra Leone Health Partners.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Teacher to Teacher...Coming home

This morning is our final Freetown morning for this trip.  We will make our way into the city for some final shopping and lunch, then it is on to the ferry for the trip to the airport.  We are rejoicing together over the two weeks we have had here to do what God put in front of us to do.  We've traveled through some big potholes, experienced some rain showers, worked with a lot of teachers, seen some beautiful and some not so beautiful sights...but all in all it has been  good.

Last night we traveled to the beach for a bit of relaxation and a good dinner.  It was a delightful way to end the time together.  We will see you soon.  Thank you for praying for us.  Sharon

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