Today we ferried small groups of our teachers over to see the completed library and learn from Sharon how they can use a library.
I thought a math session for the Class III, IV teachers. We talked about the use of the number line, number boxes, dice, and forms of bingo to augment and enhance math.
A double session of science with the V, VI teachers followed. We talked about such topics as the solar system and mosquitoes as disease carriers.We completed an adapted version of the science unit Mystery Powders. We tested 5 powders (sugar, salt, baking soda, cornstarch and plaster of paris with water, vinegar, iodine, and heat. Participants enjoyed finding out the identity of their myster powder. A highlight of the session was creting a scale model of the solar system using some rocks and a tape measure. In our model Earth was 1 foot from the sun while Pluto was 39 feet away! They loved the elegance of taking the huge distances in space and making them understandable to their students.
I had a very satisfying day, sharing teaching "nuggets with such interested teachers. So rewarding! Lisa
Lisa teaching math games.
I really enjoy seeing the pictures! Everyone seems engaged and happy.
Lisa-Looks like you are having a great time. It is nice to see all the things you guys are doing. Can't wait to hear all about it when you get home. p.s. the cats are doing great!!
So good to see you in action. Hope they are glad to get all of your information. Are you celebrating July 4th where you are? The Ranck's got together at Lauren and Marc's and some of us floated in the pool. Hope it is all going well!
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