Our mission...

The mission of the Teacher to Teacher Team is to provide access to age-appropriate books for primary school children and to provide assistance to teachers and administrators in methodology and techniques in curriculum.

The Teacher to Teacher Team is sponsored by the Sierra Leone Health Partners.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Please Pray....

  • for good air travel on June 20-21 and July 8-9
  • for rest during the flights
  • for protection of the luggage for theft and damage to materials we are taking
  • for team unity, patience, and a strong bond as we work together
  • for safe in-country travel for the team and the teachers coming to the workshops
  • for the health of the team members, protection from disease and illness, and good sleep
  • for opportunities to share the love of Jesus with people
  • that we would see this as an opportunity to be the "hands and feet of Jesus"
  • for a real sense of the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we plan and teach
Thank you for praying!

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